
yeaah its saturday, luckily i dont have to go to campus B-)

but life isnt stopped, les ka ir
metstat gitu deh. sejujurnya emg abstrak & absurd bgt before les.
tapi alhamdulillah akhirnya ada sedikit pencerahan, thanks to ka ir!:)

now slow but sure i'm a lil bit understand. enough, i think, and one step closer

hihi this is my newest hijab creation . fresh from oven tonite.
jadi terinspirasi temen sekelas gue & requestan percobaan model hijab pake paris ya jadilah ini.
di mix dikit sih sama gue sama model kesukaan gue yg agak agak swing gitu hehe

ps : jgn ragu buat berkreasi pakek paris, chiffon is much better but paris is deeply awesome.

make ur own style guys.
cheeeers ^^


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